We work with children and young people, at risk of being, or already involved in serious youth violence and knife crime.
We believe that children and young people involved in gangs and/or youth violence (whether victim or perpetrator) are, first and foremost, vulnerable and in need of support and protection.
The Salus delivery model of youth mentoring is based on solid evidence of what works, using a flexible, responsive and partnership approach to fully meet the needs of each young person.
We work with children and young people (CYP) between the ages of 10 – 17 years, at risk of being, or already involved in serious youth violence.
While it will be bespoke to individual need, the service will be based on four key strands
Mentoring All young people will be supported through a highly-skilled and experienced Youth Mentor. The Youth Mentor will work flexibly to deliver focused support that is:
Constructive: centred on creating a positive identity, future oriented, strengths based, trauma informed
Co-created: Jointly designed and delivered with young people and their families
Customised: Individual, flexible and highly diverse.
Consistent: Focused on positive, trusted relationships and community networks
Co-ordinated: support from relevant partners is well managed/co-ordinated to reduce duplication and confusion
While the development of a trusted relationship is central to the service, the Mentors will have a wealth of tools at their disposal from highly structured social skills or social competence programmes, to an understanding of how to enact the theory underpinning desistance or mentalisation, to using restorative approaches to repair relationships in the home and community.
The service is available countywide across Kent and Medway (fee payable).